Monday, March 31, 2014

Diet and Exercise Challenges

I can’t believe 2 weeks have gone by and it’s time for another update on my progress. So far, I have lost 6 lbs since I began this journey.  It feels slow but I have made very positive changes in my diet. I have decreased my carbs to 135-140 grams per day; I have kept my diet to no more than 1500 calories per day; I have added more fiber and calcium to my diet; and I have decreased my night time snacking. When I was younger, this would have been at least a 10 lb weight loss but alas, age does take a toll on the I remain patient and continue to manage my food intake.

Food is my addiction and I recognize it for what it is & how I use it...and as with any addiction, it can be left alone or I can choose to challenge the addiction by changing my behavior. I believe that striving to heal an addiction is striving to achieve one of the highest goals in life. It’s an obstacle that requires commitment and faith to challenge on a daily basis. God has promised that if we have the faith of a mustard seed, we can move mountains. I have complete faith in God’s ability to help me move this particular mountain. My addiction is not stronger than the person that I’m becoming. I believe God is using this particular challenge to help me become a better version of myself so that I might continue on the path he has laid out for me.

The next challenge I face is adding exercise to my daily routine. Now anyone who knows me understands that I dislike exercise. I have never felt any endorphins when I exercise although I accept this as a medical fact. The only time I feel anything close to an endorphin release is when I first bite into a warm Krispy Kreme glazed doughnut. There is a rush of satisfaction and pleasure so intense that my whole brain must light up (if I could view it on a PET scan at that particular moment)! Thank goodness I don’t live near a Krispy Kreme. It might be the only time I would want to exercise….walking to and from Temptation Island

As much as I dislike it, I recognize that exercise is necessary if I want to remain fit as I age and also to help speed up my metabolism. I have a recumbent bike that I can ride while watching my HGTV shows. If the pounds go slowly then maybe the inches will go a bit quicker. Anyway, I’ll let you know how it goes in the next posting. Until then, here’s hoping we all see beautiful warm days and lovely spring breezes. J

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