Monday, March 31, 2014

Diet and Exercise Challenges

I can’t believe 2 weeks have gone by and it’s time for another update on my progress. So far, I have lost 6 lbs since I began this journey.  It feels slow but I have made very positive changes in my diet. I have decreased my carbs to 135-140 grams per day; I have kept my diet to no more than 1500 calories per day; I have added more fiber and calcium to my diet; and I have decreased my night time snacking. When I was younger, this would have been at least a 10 lb weight loss but alas, age does take a toll on the I remain patient and continue to manage my food intake.

Food is my addiction and I recognize it for what it is & how I use it...and as with any addiction, it can be left alone or I can choose to challenge the addiction by changing my behavior. I believe that striving to heal an addiction is striving to achieve one of the highest goals in life. It’s an obstacle that requires commitment and faith to challenge on a daily basis. God has promised that if we have the faith of a mustard seed, we can move mountains. I have complete faith in God’s ability to help me move this particular mountain. My addiction is not stronger than the person that I’m becoming. I believe God is using this particular challenge to help me become a better version of myself so that I might continue on the path he has laid out for me.

The next challenge I face is adding exercise to my daily routine. Now anyone who knows me understands that I dislike exercise. I have never felt any endorphins when I exercise although I accept this as a medical fact. The only time I feel anything close to an endorphin release is when I first bite into a warm Krispy Kreme glazed doughnut. There is a rush of satisfaction and pleasure so intense that my whole brain must light up (if I could view it on a PET scan at that particular moment)! Thank goodness I don’t live near a Krispy Kreme. It might be the only time I would want to exercise….walking to and from Temptation Island

As much as I dislike it, I recognize that exercise is necessary if I want to remain fit as I age and also to help speed up my metabolism. I have a recumbent bike that I can ride while watching my HGTV shows. If the pounds go slowly then maybe the inches will go a bit quicker. Anyway, I’ll let you know how it goes in the next posting. Until then, here’s hoping we all see beautiful warm days and lovely spring breezes. J

Monday, March 17, 2014


This is NOT Jan enjoying her yogurt.
It’s time for another biweekly update on my progress. It’s been 4 weeks since I began this journey and I’m down 4 pounds. Of course, I was down 4 pounds two weeks ago. I can’t say I’m not a bit disappointed in the slowness of the process. Part of me wants to be upset over this but I refuse to go there. This is a learning experience and I have to re-learn what makes my body burn calories in the most efficient way. I don’t have gastric bypass malabsorption going for me anymore. In the 15 years after weight loss surgery, my body has adapted and learned how to reabsorb calories….and very efficiently I might add. However, I can say that I have maintained a healthy diet and basic exercise since the previous 2 weeks.

My next dietary adjustment is going to slightly decrease my carbohydrate intake. Just once I wish I could sit down and say “I love cauliflower” or “more broccoli please”…but that’s not going to happen. Carbs have always been the sabotaging factor for my diets (before weight loss surgery). Even after surgery, I love thin-crust pizza; I love cheeseburgers, crackers, chips, and rice. These foods call my name….even when I’m not hungry….because I want that euphoric rush that I get after taking those first few bites---and that my friends is the definition of addiction….but one I intend to control. 

If I’m going to be successful, I have to have these in small amounts and stick with our basic tenant of protein first, then vegetables/fruits, and then small amounts of carbs. I also have to make a serious commitment to doing this.

Our Pastor says that we only truly commit to the things we value. If I say I value good health and then don’t fully commit to behaviors that support the ability to obtain good health, then it won’t happen. Our Pastor believes that everyone wants “The Good Life.” We want and value good looks, good health, and even value “getting the goods” (i.e. being successful monetarily).  Instead of valuing “The Good Life” we should be valuing “The God Life.” We all need to commit to loving God, loving each other, and loving ourselves as God loves us. It’s my belief that I can honor God by maintaining the healthy body He gave me. So, I’m committing to decreasing carbs in the next two weeks…we will all find out if that made a difference at the next posting.  

Until then, here is another tip:
Dannon’s Light & Fit Greek Yogurt ---Only 80 calories, 12 grams protein; 9 grams carbohydrate; 8 grams of sugar; and 0 grams fat. I use it as a snack in between meals.  Place it in the freezer for 10 minutes prior to eating and you will have a thick, creamy, and refreshing pick-me-up dessert!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Good Intentions

Well bariatric family, it’s been two weeks since I began my renewed weight-loss journey and, based on the feedback I received, I truly believe God has led me to create this blog.  I am happy to report that I’ve lost four pounds, although most of that occurred during the second week. As you may already know, the road to weight loss is paved with good intentions.

I intended to start eating lower carbs two Mondays ago.  I intended to eat more fruits two Mondays ago, and I intended to start exercising two Mondays ago.  Isn’t it odd how we always intend to start things like this on Mondays?  Tuesday is almost as good, but if it gets to Wednesday, forget it!  Now, I might as well wait until the following Monday, which is what I did.

I remembered our pastor saying, “God doesn’t say there won’t be obstacles in life.  God says He will be there to help us through the problems if we call upon him.” So when week one did not start as I intended, I prayed for strength to begin, and I received it. I made a plan, a grocery list, and took action. 

The first few days are always the hardest, and temptations seemed to be everywhere (birthday celebration; eating out with family; job fatigue making me want to succumb to the drive through, etc.)  I found I had to give God a call every day last week and we had lengthy conversations. Still, He brought me support. Four people contacted me to let me know they were inspired by my blog, and oddly enough, I lost four pounds. Co-incidence??? Maybe, but I wouldn’t mind if I heard from another four people this week and let’s see what happens!

Tip: Try this great-tasting and satisfying breakfast for only 160 calories!
Butterball low-sodium turkey bacon is great! You need to cook it until it is dark on both sides. It will look burnt, but it’s not. At only 25 calories and two grams of fat per slice, it fulfills my need for crunchy/salty tasting things.  On my morning whole-wheat toast I melted two slices of 30-calorie fat-free cheese under the broiler and added two slices of turkey bacon. Mmm…melted cheese and bacon.  My taste buds were happy.  Give it a try if you are more than two years out from surgery and can tolerate soft bread.